The Missing Bitchin' Car Chapter
This chapter was removed from Book 2 - Love Hurts by my father, Bertie from Yreka back in 1988. He said it had nothing to do with the real story (Snark's Revenge and Devastation Plan) and so he just took it out of the book. I think it was the only time that Dad actually did any editing on any of Snark's books... and boy was Snark pissed! He made Dad put it back in, but now they're both dead, so I took it back out. I guess you can suck it Snark!
It does serve a greater purpose, however. I wanted to give the readers a chance to download some free chapters on this website, but the Zon bots (Amazon algorithms) would find it and suspend the book. You can't publish anything on Amazon if it's available free on the net.
So even though it is not one of his best efforts (no humans or animals die, and he only mentions 'boobs" once), I present The Missing Bitchin' Car Chapter. Enjoy!
- Editor Berty